Photo of Vitaly Makarov Russian Federation

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Vitaly Makarov was born in 1971.
After finishing Children art school
- 1988-1992 - studies at Kharkov state art college
- 1991 - participates in students exhibition in Kharkov
- 1996 - participates in art exhibition confided to the International Festival of poetry (Zheleznovodsk town)
- 1996 - 1999 - is a permanent participant of art exhibitions in the town of Zheleznovodsk
- 1999 - 2000 -...

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Photo of Vitaly Makarov Russian Federation

Vitaly Makarov was born in 1971.
After finishing Children art school
- 1988-1992 - studies at Kharkov state art college
- 1991 - participates in students exhibition in Kharkov
- 1996 - participates in art exhibition confided to the International Festival of poetry (Zheleznovodsk town)
- 1996 - 1999 - is a permanent participant of art exhibitions in the town of Zheleznovodsk
- 1999 - 2000 - creative trip on Slovakia and Czech Republic
- 2001 - Creation of the art union KMV-ART
- 2001 - Pyatigorsk, Regional study museum, \"The music of colour\" exhibition (KMV-ART union)
- Zheleznovodsk town, \"Autumn kaleidoscope\" (AMV-ART union)
- since 2005 - member of Artists Trade Union
- 2005 - participant of the exhibition in Pushkin gallery (Zheleznovodsk town)
- 2005 - participant of the \"8 artists exhibition\" in State Alyabev house museum (Pyatigorsk town)
- 2005 - \"The city on the canvas\" exhibition, dedicated to 180 anniversary of the town of Essentuki (Regional study museum of Essentuki)
-2009 - 1st place in the nomination “painting” in the international exhibition-competition on theme “Spirit and reality”, MSTU Kosygina exhibition center, Moscow.
-2010 - participant of the academic exhibition \"As a sweet song of my motherland I love Caucasus\", North Caucasus Federal District, devoted to the 65th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War. Held in Stavropol city, the branch of the Russian Federation Artist Union exhibition hall; Pyatigorsk city, Museum of local lore exhibition center. Exhibition is organized by the Creative Union of Russian Artists.
-2010 - Pyatigorsk artists current group exhibition, the branch of the Russian Federation Artist Union exhibition hall.
-2010 - entry into the Creative Union of Russian Artists.
-2010 - participant of the 11th International Plein Air \"Montenegro-2010\"
-2010 - participant of the Plein Air in the Uzunkol canion. (\"Koleso\" union, Stavropol city)

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